SLCHS Case Study Book

A comprehensive book that details researched gathered about Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences
and presented from a humanistic point of view


Book Design, Print

Editorial book design that serves as the final product to showcase the compilation of a half semester case study research project that looked to answer 3 questions: What does education look like from the academic/administrative side? What does the administration of a college/ university really do? How does that impact students? The findings are divided into 5 distinct categories full of personal anecdotes and research that create a concrete display of how a university works, why the people in leadership work as they do, and the improvements that can be made.  

Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.
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Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Kansas City, MO & Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.